Prayer Gathering

Student Life Center - OCU 699 Sherman St, Oakland City, IN, United States

Join us in the Prayer Room each Tuesday and Thursday throughout the semester.

Prayer Gathering

Student Life Center - OCU 699 Sherman St, Oakland City, IN, United States

Join us in the Prayer Room each Tuesday and Thursday throughout the semester.

Bible Study

New Hall 3rd Floor Lobby

The Well

Student Life Center - OCU 699 Sherman St, Oakland City, IN, United States

Join us in the Cafeteria for The Well, each Sunday from 8-9pm.

OCU Tree Lighting

Murray Center

Join us outside the Murray Center to light the tree and bring in the holiday season.

InterVarsity Bible Study

Student Life Center - OCU 699 Sherman St, Oakland City, IN, United States

Join InterVarsity each Monday evening in SLC 116 for Bible reading and discussion.  Snacks will be provided.

InterVarsity Bible Study

Student Life Center - OCU 699 Sherman St, Oakland City, IN, United States

Join InterVarsity each Monday evening in SLC 116 for Bible reading and discussion.  Snacks will be provided.


Student Life Center - OCU 699 Sherman St, Oakland City, IN, United States

Join InterVarsity each Tuesday night in Holy Grounds and the Procrastination Station from Movies and Games.

InterVarsity Bible Study

Student Life Center - OCU 699 Sherman St, Oakland City, IN, United States

Join InterVarsity each Monday evening in SLC 116 for Bible reading and discussion.  Snacks will be provided.

EGSC Food Delivery

Join OCU Community Engagement to deliver food to our local primary and intermediate school. OCU partners with East Gibson School Corporation, Mackey Church of the Nazarene, & Tri-State Food Bank.

OCU Serving Lunch @ Evansville Rescue Mission

Looking for a new opportunity to help others?? Every other Tuesday of the Spring Semester, OCU students, faculty, staff, and alumni are invited to help serve lunch at the Evansville […]


Student Life Center - OCU 699 Sherman St, Oakland City, IN, United States

Join InterVarsity each Tuesday night in Holy Grounds and the Procrastination Station from Movies and Games.