Blood Drive
Student Life Center - OCU, 700 Sherman St, Oakland City, IN 47660, USARegister thru the Community Engagement office to help others by donating blood.
Register thru the Community Engagement office to help others by donating blood.
Join the Comic Club for Anime night in the Procrastination Station.
The Religious Studies guild invites you to join Sister Jill of the Monastery of the Immaculate Conception at 6:00PM every Thursday, from February 2nd - March 2nd, 2023, to discuss the God who is seeking you. Come and find the calling present in your studies.
Join the Comic Club for Marvel Night in the Procrastination Station.
Join the Comic Club for Marvel Night in the Procrastination Station.
Join other students for worship in the cafeteria.
Community Engagement and your Student GovernmentAssociation are hosting a party to make care packages for our active militaryin partnership with Operation Military Matters. These care packs will go toactive military. See the flyer here!
Join the Comic Club for Anime night in the Procrastination Station.
Join the Comic Club for Anime night in the Procrastination Station.