Comic Club – Marvel Night
Student Life Center - OCU, 700 Sherman St, Oakland City, IN 47660, USAJoin the Comic Club for Marvel Night in the Procrastination Station.
Join the Comic Club for Marvel Night in the Procrastination Station.
Join other students in the OCU Cafeteria for The Well.
Join the Comic Club for Anime night in the Procrastination Station.
Join Students in the Cafeteria for Gimkit Night.
The Religious Studies guild invites you to join Sister Jill of the Monastery of the Immaculate Conception at 6:00PM every Thursday, from February 2nd - March 2nd, 2023, to discuss […]
Join us in the Cafeteria for a Black History Month themed trivia night.
Join the Comic Club for Marvel Night in the Procrastination Station.
Join us on the Grassy Knoll next to Provance Memorial Chapel for a bonfire and worship.
Join your classmates in the Cafeteria and build your own stuffed animal.