InterVarsity Bible Study
Student Life Center - OCU, 700 Sherman St, Oakland City, IN 47660, USAJoin InterVarsity each Monday evening in SLC 116 for Bible reading and discussion. Snacks will be provided.
Join InterVarsity each Monday evening in SLC 116 for Bible reading and discussion. Snacks will be provided.
Join the Comic Con Club to stream your favorite movies and shows in the Procrastination Station.
Join InterVarsity each Tuesday night in Holy Grounds and the Procrastination Station from Movies and Games.
Dr. Dempsey, the OCU administration, and Board of Trustees will host a dinner honoring the graduating seniors.
Join the Comic Con Club for video and tabletop games in the Procrastination Station.
This week-long camp will be an overnight stay open to all current high school students. This week will encompass college readiness, esports game design elements, coding principles, and more! It […]
New Student Family Groups will be meeting throughout the day. Check with your OL to find your meeting time and location.
New Student Family Groups will be meeting throughout the day. Check with your OL to find your meeting time and location.
New Student Family Groups will be meeting throughout the day. Check with your OL to find your meeting time and location.
New Student Family Groups will be meeting throughout the day. Check with your OL to find your meeting time and location.
Join Student Activities for an illusionist performance in the Dining Hall.
New Student Family Groups will be meeting throughout the day. Check with your OL to find your meeting time and location.